40 Invest Successful Applicants Announced!


Halifax Foundation for Northern Ireland has announced that they have awarded 10 multi year grants as part of their 40th Anniversary celebrations in 2025.


The four sister Foundations were set up in 1985 and over the 40 years of its existence the Halifax Foundation for NI has supported over 11,500 local projects with over £41.5 million, helping grassroots organisations tackle poverty, disadvantage and inequality.


To celebrate this amazing milestone, the Trustees agreed to launch a flagship programme, 40 INVEST, offering ten grants of up to £40,000 over 2 years to registered charities with an income of less than £250,000, to invest in their future.

It was a highly competitive process, with a large number of applications received.

However, The Foundation are delighted to publish the list of successful applicants:

  • Adopt NI
  • Commedia of Errors
  • Counselling All Nations Services (CANS)
  • Horn of Africa People’s Aid NI
  • Jigsaw Community Counselling Centre
  • Life After
  • Life Change Changes Lives
  • Mornington Community Project
  • Rasharkin Women’s Group
  • Turning Point NI

In total, £397,149 was awarded to these 10 worthy charities. Congratulations!